Friday, May 26, 2017

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

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If I talk about movies, I can say that my favorite genre is Sci-Fi, so my favorite movies are all the things related with spaceships, other planets, laser spades and ‘’may the force be with you’’… if you don’t guess what movie or movies I’m talking about, don’t worry, it’s the Star Wars saga. I love those movies, all of them, they have a good story, good scenes and extremely epic moments in my opinion. I saw them in the chronological order when I was a child, so that made me enjoy the entire story without having a knowledge about the characters in the ‘’future’’ present in the first movies at the end of the 70’s. Now I have all the original movies, posters and even action figures of the characters.
About series, I have no a favorite genre, or any favorite specific TV shows or series, so I’m going to make a top 5, but the first one is not going to be my favorite and the fifth one is not going to be my least favorite.
Spartacus, Breaking bad, Game of thrones, Da Vinci’s demons and American Horror Story.

And I think that’s it, I have no much more to say about series. The only thing I would like to include in the post is that I watch anime, but currently with the university I have no time for that.Resultado de imagen para spartacusImagen relacionada

Who is the person that I admire?

That is a really difficult question to me, because I don’t have a person that I admire at all, I think that the people I saw in books of history or even chemistry are people who made a great difference in the world we are living in, but if someone asks me who I admire over all the people…I wouldn’t have a very good answer to that.
Now that I’m thinking (and after a long time thinking), I can say that my favorite person in human history is Leonardo da Vinci, he was a scientist, so I think I can talk about him in my post. He was born in April 15th 1452...And I have to say…my birthday is on April 16th, so I think that’s awesome.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian biologist, mathematic, engineer, painter, sculptor, and many other things, he was a very complete person, he could make a lot of contributions to the modern science, with a lot of inventions and models to create in a future. The life of da Vinci was a little complicated considering the world context he was, he was the son of a banker in the last years of the middle ages, so the expectations for him was really high, but he didn’t choose that path, he preferred to dedicate himself to the observation method and learning all the possible things around him.

So that’s my answer, that is the person I admire more than every other. Resultado de imagen para da vinciImagen relacionada
These are some pictures of him and some sketches.

Friday, May 19, 2017

A common photograph

This is not a simple photo for me, I took it, and the people you see in that photo are my best friends, well…the guy on the left is my best friend since we was starting secondary and the girl is his girlfriend, but we are really good friends and we make a lot of things together.
The story  of this photo is not long, interesting or unbelievable at all, but for me it means a lot of things, the last summer we spend a week in Isla Negra just for relax after the PSU, so that’s it, but I never have done something like that before, been a whole week out of my home, away of my family just for fun and relax was something that I really didn’t expected, but it was an amazing experience for me, to be in a campfire, spend the whole night with friends in a long really long conversation, eat some fries every day...I’m losing the words to describe that kind of feelings.

When comes the moment to be really comfortable with yourself and the others around you? That was my moment.

About technology

Well, the first thing I would say is that i love technology, I’m a geek in that way, and that’s because I always think that a piece of technology could be extremely useful for humanity, even if we use it just for fun. For example me, I love videogames, that’s why my favorite piece of technology is my computer, but I don’t use it only for that, I can watch videos, movies, study, make my homework and all kind of things, also I have a Xbox to play even more games.

But when I was a child, I didn’t had any of this things, and in summers, I like to travel to the beach and leave my geek stuff at home, just to escape the routine, and that is why if I would move to an island without any kind of technology I think that would not be the world’s end, I can live without technology but my life is easier with it.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Some hobbies I have

If someone ask me about my main hobby, that would be a very difficult question to answer, because I like to do a lot of things, but I never have enough time to dedicate mysellf to other activities.
I like music, listen and play music are hobbies that I do often. I would like to compose new music, but is really difficult to me, so I can just play music how other person does.
Also I like to dedicate time to videogames; I have a computer which I can play a lot of single player and multiplayer games. This kind of things relax me a lot and make me forget some problems when I think in the possibility of travel to ‘‘other worlds’’.
In some of my free times I enjoy to cook, especially sweet food, like cakes, cupcakes and lemon pies, because it’s funny to me be able to create new things and beneficiate to myself and others with that.

These are some of my hobbies that I do, I have others, but…I’m going to leave here this post.

Why did I choose this career

What are you going to study?
When I was a child my parents, teachers and friends make me this simple question, but many years later I was sure about what is my decision for my career. First I was thinking to be a teacher, years later a musician, but I think music is just a hobby, I play music when I want to, but if I’m tired or bored I just don’t play music, so I had to make a choice that I knew I would be passionate for, no matter how sad, frustrated or tired I was; so I choose science.

Before of chemistry,  I liked all the sciences, but I knew I couldn’t study all of that, so my goal was study chemistry in University of Chile, chemistry because I thing is a science extremly interesting, chemistry explains a lot of things about the world we are living. So here I am…This is what I like and is my own choice, so I’m very happy with that and I hope to have a nice time here in the faculty.

That's Why we Talk it

Here we are, writing and reading English blogs, writing about our life, tastes and opinions, but all in English, if I don’t know how to wri...