Friday, May 26, 2017

Who is the person that I admire?

That is a really difficult question to me, because I don’t have a person that I admire at all, I think that the people I saw in books of history or even chemistry are people who made a great difference in the world we are living in, but if someone asks me who I admire over all the people…I wouldn’t have a very good answer to that.
Now that I’m thinking (and after a long time thinking), I can say that my favorite person in human history is Leonardo da Vinci, he was a scientist, so I think I can talk about him in my post. He was born in April 15th 1452...And I have to say…my birthday is on April 16th, so I think that’s awesome.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian biologist, mathematic, engineer, painter, sculptor, and many other things, he was a very complete person, he could make a lot of contributions to the modern science, with a lot of inventions and models to create in a future. The life of da Vinci was a little complicated considering the world context he was, he was the son of a banker in the last years of the middle ages, so the expectations for him was really high, but he didn’t choose that path, he preferred to dedicate himself to the observation method and learning all the possible things around him.

So that’s my answer, that is the person I admire more than every other. Resultado de imagen para da vinciImagen relacionada
These are some pictures of him and some sketches.


  1. wow, Leonardo da Vinci is a very important person in the history, is incredible all that he created.

  2. Leonardo was one of my favorite scientist of all the time !

  3. Leonardo da Vinci is a incredible person, his art work are beautiful.

  4. the Leonard Da Vinci is the interesting person!!


That's Why we Talk it

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