Friday, May 19, 2017

A common photograph

This is not a simple photo for me, I took it, and the people you see in that photo are my best friends, well…the guy on the left is my best friend since we was starting secondary and the girl is his girlfriend, but we are really good friends and we make a lot of things together.
The story  of this photo is not long, interesting or unbelievable at all, but for me it means a lot of things, the last summer we spend a week in Isla Negra just for relax after the PSU, so that’s it, but I never have done something like that before, been a whole week out of my home, away of my family just for fun and relax was something that I really didn’t expected, but it was an amazing experience for me, to be in a campfire, spend the whole night with friends in a long really long conversation, eat some fries every day...I’m losing the words to describe that kind of feelings.

When comes the moment to be really comfortable with yourself and the others around you? That was my moment.


  1. Answer your question, my comfortable moment maybe it was once i went to the "Laguna Verde" that is a places hidden in the mountains, I a so beautiful places and the better is that i went with mys friends and boyfriend.

  2. It sounds as something everyone should do at least once in a year, to disconnect :)

  3. I really want do that, but unfortunately i can´t do it, I´m very happy you can make this amazing experiencing.

  4. It´s very nice have that kind of feelings, try to live it again

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. we all need to relax and disconnect ,you would repeat the experience?

  7. I believe that those are the moments that really are important on life, in danish they have one word to describe the feeling and the moment, is is called: "hygge".

  8. Relax and have fun with friends is one of the best experiences in life, if you can do it again, don't think, just do it


That's Why we Talk it

Here we are, writing and reading English blogs, writing about our life, tastes and opinions, but all in English, if I don’t know how to wri...