Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Summer Holidays

Summer is really near, this year has been very fast like always and now is time to focus in the final activities to the year and be prepared to receive the next one, but there is a time to dedicate to the complete relax and liberation, and it’s the summer holidays, at this time the people gets crazy thinking in Christmas gifts, the new year dinner, the long and short travels to leave the city and after that, even sometimes without realize it, we are in march, right at our works and our studies again, that’s why I think summer is a valuable time and why we must do whatever we want to make every single second count.

The problem in my case is my lazy life that makes me stay on the bed all day long in summer, watching TV or playing videogames, maybe in the worst cases I would practice some classical music just for being bored, I really hate to go outside on summer, except only when came the time for the beach travels, specially to the south of Chile, the nice weather and the beautiful environment gives me some very good memories of lots of funny times. The last problem is on this summer, because I won’t be able to travel the next year for some personal troubles, I have not too much problems with that and I’m not worried about that at all, but I hope someday I could spent a summer holiday in Venice or some other great place outside in the less time possible; C’mon, some days around the world would be great on anytime for anyone isn’t it?

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Some Big Drugs in a Little World

In this modern society, a lot of people talk about drugs and other addictive substances. I’ve not lived in the ancient times, when the opium, coca leaves and ceremonial drugs…To make contact with the spirits and the famous pink elephants, but I don’t need to live there to understand the need of some fantasy and relax with drugs, centuries ago, before the arrival of Colon, Cortez, Pizarro, the natives (and slaves) of south America were used to consume coca leaves to keep them wake and always working hard, the Chinese people consumed opium as an hallucinogen, many years later, in the world crisis of the ’29, the dry law made a huge increase of violence and illegal issues, just to sell some alcohol to the people, and people just wanted to buy it, and currently, we have a lot of different kinds of chemical or natural drugs available in the streets to consume, and the society don’t reject it. Because at worse is the reality, we want more the fantasy.

Al Capone, he was in the ''most wanted'' list of the FBI and the 
number one ''Public Enemy'', for alcohol smuggling .

In a personal way, alcohol and cigarettes are my way to get near to the fantasy, but inside my neighborhood, there are some people who abuse a lot of different kind of drugs, not only alcohol, also cocaine and cannabis, that kind of things bring to the neighborhood a couple of troubles, but the last years all have been quiet, my neighbors have never touched again any kind of drugs, except for some occasional beer or wine. But inside my family or friends I’ve never had a problem with drugs of abuse, not even for excessive coffee (I don’t like coffee, so don’t hate me please).

Paracelsus thought that the human body is chemistry, and he was right, we are all chemistry and we can change our chemistry.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Post Graduate Studies

Currently I am a student of chemistry in an undergraduate school, this is my first year, but I would like very much to finish a Professional degree, and after that go further and try to get a Master Degree, and on that way my next step is to have the enough knowledge to get a job adequate to my personal interest, and feeling good with my own achievements and comfortable with my life.

More specifically, if I start to study a Master Degree, I would like to do it right here, in my currently university, and focus my path on the metallurgy subject, because I think is very interesting the productive activities of Chile, besides, this is a miner country, so the job is right here, and the minerals too, the cooper, iron, lithium, they’re crying for us . What are we waiting for? The economy would increase a lot if we all focus our resources in the mineral process and the manufacture of products made of these minerals, then, the exports would increase the profit of many industries nationals and internationals.

But there is a challenge to make true this ‘’wonderful’’ economical stage, because we need people very prepared to the jobs, and that’s why I want to improve myself with a graduate school to create a better future for me and all around, my reason is to contribute with my grain of sand in this economy and get paid for that, that sounds good to me.

Some kind of job.

The entire world is filled with opportunities to have a good job, even if you don’t have the resources or the enough educational level to get a dreamed job, you can start from the bottom and try to keep going further, get promoted, and finally acquire the experience to improve your opportunities, and the better part is that you never are going to waste your time, because you are trying to get paid, satisfy your needs and if you know save the enough money, you can even enjoy some good days of drinks, beach, rest and wasting money.

Once I finish my career, I’m going to be a chemist, and in this country are a lot of vacancies on many kinds of jobs, all of them related with chemistry, it could be a pharmaceutical, environmental, industrial, etc. But my interest are currently focused in an industrial chemist, that’s because I like very much the productive area of Chile, also, this country is in my opinion very focused on the primary economy, but it have not the enough work in the secondary economy, manufacture industries, and many of them are closely related to the chemistry, so I would really like to be inside a factory, and it would be great if that factory is related to metallurgical activities.       

That's Why we Talk it

Here we are, writing and reading English blogs, writing about our life, tastes and opinions, but all in English, if I don’t know how to wri...