Friday, June 2, 2017

A course I enjoy

This is my first year in the university, and I chose my career, chemistry, because I love science and how the Mother Nature works, so I think my favorite course is general chemistry I, because it’s the course where I’ve most improved my knowledge about chemistry, even more than laboratory or the introductive course. This is a course totally theoretical, I just have to hear the words of my teacher and write in my notebook the most important parts, I have to be very concentrated in the class or I just get lost and misunderstand all the class. I don’t think I chose this course because the teacher, and as a first year student, I can’t create my schedule, so I just like it because the contents, for example, now I’m studying stoichiometry, that means, calculating the mass or the percentage of a reactive or product on a reaction, I’ve seen this content before but now I’m learning new methods to solve problems of that kind and new forms to see the reactions, so that is very exciting for me, to know even more points of view to solve simple and complicated problems related with chemistry.Resultado de imagen para stoichiometry


  1. I really liked general chemistry the past year but it was dificult for me

  2. It a difficult course, but is the base for all later.

  3. that´s true you can´t distract or you won´t understand

  4. i like the subject like you, but i don't like the teacher :/

  5. I agree that "General Chemistry" is the base knowledge for what comes next.

  6. "Chemistry I" is a difficult subject and the contents are a base for all the years in this career


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