Friday, June 23, 2017

Greetings, and good bye

For an unknown reason it’s a little easy to me to write what I’m thinking (In Spanish), at least it’s easier than talk, but writing this blogs I’ve experimented some interesting things, like some opinions and thoughts that not even me know that I have, also was good for some old memories about me and the things I like to do.
This semester was extremely useful to me because I’ve never wrote things directly from my mind until your mind, because I’ve always wrote what I saw on a whiteboard, so that’s why I thing I’ve improved a lot my writing skills and my vocabulary, and learned why I don’t have to use the Google translator.
In a future I would like to keep writing about everything, if you can think it, you can write it so I’d like to never let my sloth winning me and just see how the time goes on without give my opinion to this world, I don’t care if nobody reads me, or even if everyone reads me, I’ve learned to share my thoughts and it felt very good, it was very relaxing, including the opportunity to read my classmates posts.

Thanks to everyone.

A nearly far future

I have no the enough creativity or imagination to think in a future in 20 years, and I have no the optimism to create an utopic world, but if someone ask me about the future I can think in the song ‘’imagine’’ from John Lennon, it’s a beautiful song specially because it gives me some expectations for a good future, no matter the difficulties.
Returning to the real world, I can only think about a future where everyone are trying to don’t hate the world we’re living on, not much different from now, a difficult life immersed in selling and buying stuff to survive this world, attempting to accept the different people no matter how we are in general, because we are filled with many kinds of people and every year we have more and more people, and not everyone are going to accept this fact, but if we want to improve this world we just have to work together, and if we don’t do that, I’m not sure, maybe we fall in another big war, the resources are going to disappear and the life are going to extinct.

It’s a little sad to think about the last things, but I was just trying to think all the possible points of view.

Friday, June 2, 2017

A course I enjoy

This is my first year in the university, and I chose my career, chemistry, because I love science and how the Mother Nature works, so I think my favorite course is general chemistry I, because it’s the course where I’ve most improved my knowledge about chemistry, even more than laboratory or the introductive course. This is a course totally theoretical, I just have to hear the words of my teacher and write in my notebook the most important parts, I have to be very concentrated in the class or I just get lost and misunderstand all the class. I don’t think I chose this course because the teacher, and as a first year student, I can’t create my schedule, so I just like it because the contents, for example, now I’m studying stoichiometry, that means, calculating the mass or the percentage of a reactive or product on a reaction, I’ve seen this content before but now I’m learning new methods to solve problems of that kind and new forms to see the reactions, so that is very exciting for me, to know even more points of view to solve simple and complicated problems related with chemistry.Resultado de imagen para stoichiometry

That's Why we Talk it

Here we are, writing and reading English blogs, writing about our life, tastes and opinions, but all in English, if I don’t know how to wri...