Friday, November 3, 2017

To Change or not to Change

Sometimes we can turn on our TV and watch some news about the educational system, the education minister, the president or a school authority talking about the constant improvement of the education in the country, and some other news about students complaining about all the things that we are missing about the system and the mistakes of the previous mentioned authorities and their methods. But I think that is because we are never satisfied with the opportunities and tools we can receive, and that is good, it’s a way to make a real improve of our general methods and we can search in a lot of different ways to learn with our mistakes and trying to don’t repeat them in the process of create the ''perfect system'' which in my opinion doesn’t exist.

If would have the power right now to make changes in the education system, I would really don’t know what to do, because I don’t feel with the enough information or statistics to make changes and elevate the approval and quality of things that we can learn or how we use the learning, now, what would I like to learn and how to learn it, that is other business, I would really like to have more independence with my own schedule and manipulate my time in my own ways and maybe have more free time to dedicate it to activities or hobbies, make the university activities become only inside the university and the home activities only in your home, extracurricular activities and optional activities should be that, optional and extracurricular.

About the technology, I feel very comfortable with that, I mean, we always have the research in front and behind us ready to keep going with and for us to create new stuff to make the things easier, but currently I have a lot of respect for the technology and if the progress goes very accelerated we can make a world that Martin Heidegger was very afraid to see.

One of my favourite philosopher Martin Heidegger, he was very critic about the progress and the general technologies, and he believe in the world’s end by the technology destroying the humanity.

1 comment:

  1. Just as education must improve, we must also do it. I'd like used better my time too.


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