Friday, September 1, 2017

The Best Concert Ever

I love music, a good song gives me a lot of fun and makes me feel in a beautiful environment no matter where or how I am in that moment, but a live concert is the same music with the feeling multiplied for one thousand, the adrenaline and dopamine fills all the present public, with an atmosphere of good music and a crowd of music lovers. I try to go to any possible concert, but it’s always difficult, I can’t go to all the concerts I want, until this date, I’ve only been in classical music concerts as a member of an orchestra or as a member of the public, same thing with rock and metal concerts, playing and listening covers and original hard music.

A little photograph I took

The best concert I remember took place this same year, at the O’Higgins Park, on April 1st, the Lollapalooza; there I heard many kinds of music, but more specifically I heard Metallica’s concert. Metallica is a heavy and thrash metal band raised in Los Angeles, United States; in the concert I was able to saw the four members of the band, on flesh and bones, the place was filled with a huge crowd of people, even four of five hours before the event, with the concert of Rancid, another great band of punk rock, on both of them was an environment just a little suffocating, but with the time and with the moshes the space there grew up a little, but been there was one of the most exciting experiences of my life.


  1. I have been in a orchesta concert , i like so much this type of music.

  2. You saw them! Wow, that's one of the things that all that like this music want to do in their life.

  3. I wish I had assisted to the Metallica's concert too


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