Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Old and New Hobbies...

Hobbies for me are my own way to escape the reality not for vanity or being selfish, but the most part of the day I don’t feel comfortable with myself and I try to become something else every time, that’s why videogames are my main hobby, to have the opportunity to travel among other wonderful new worlds and experiment a new kind of emotions and sensations, while you are sit in your world controlling other different characters all of them with their own stories to tell.

But even with videogames as a hobby they’re all sometimes frustrating and a little bit stressful (Dark Souls), so when that happens, my new escape is the music. As a child my dream were to become a great pianist, it was an amazing hobby, every single day going to piano classes and practicing even without warming up, but now for medical issues I can’t play piano anymore, but trying to keep on with the music and practicing other instruments, without problems to play, like cello and some keyboard, as I written some months ago in some older posts the last semester; music and videogames are my main hobbies, I’m not really good at sports, and I don’t like too much reading, but except all of that, I try to make any other activity available to improve myself, for example, I would like to learn other kind of instruments to play and maybe become good at it, the theater is also a very interesting idea for me, but I have not enough time to dedicate myself to that. But someday I will.

       Old photo from old posts (And old times)


  1. i want to learn play piano and differents instruments but i don't have so much time.

  2. The piano is just an amazing piece of art, the sound, the magic when you are listening it, and playing it is better than playing Dark souls, you will be master of piano when you are able to play it without dying.

  3. I love video games, even though usually they are very hard.

  4. I'd love to learn to play many instruments but, as you well said, hobbies really take some time.


That's Why we Talk it

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