Friday, April 7, 2017

Who am I?

I'm Matías Andres Rojas Hormazabal, I was born on Friday 16th 1999 at 2:00 a.m. in Independencia, Santiago. I’m son of Jose and Mary, and brother of Jose Manuel and Ignacio. I lived my whole life in Quilicura, and I studied in Santa Maria school, my whole primary and secondary education.

Since 2011, I started to take piano classes, that make me to be interested in music, and my dream was to become a very talented pianist, but that dream couldn't come true because two years later a tendinitis in both hands until now makes me uncomfortable to play piano. But now I am still playing music with other instruments like cello, bass and a little bit of keyboard.

Many years ago I've been very interested in chemistry, I got good marks and helped my classmates with their homework on high school. That's the reason I'm now studying Chemistry in university of Chile. Nowadays I’m still living with my family in Quilicura, were my hobbies are play video games, cooking and play music with friends.

I want to share now pictures of my instruments and me playing a cello...thanks for reading.
(Sorry for the quality) 


  1. It's sad that you could not fulfill your dreams by problems, but that does not have to be a delay to fulfill your other dreams, go ahead!

  2. We need to have a meet to play some day, remember that even you can´t realize your dream you can built a new one and put it so much power to make it true.

  3. To have the power to lose a dream but to transform that in another with passion is very admirable and (in my opinion) what life is about.

  4. you are really it was so sad that happens to you i think you could be a really good pianist, and a good chemist

  5. That sad for your tendinitis, i think that is very painful play piano so.


That's Why we Talk it

Here we are, writing and reading English blogs, writing about our life, tastes and opinions, but all in English, if I don’t know how to wri...